Tsuji Culinary Institute & Institute of Patisserie

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April 2024
Tsuji Culinary Institute & Institute of Patisserie

School Introduction

Since the founder, Shizuo Tsuji, opened the Tsuji Culinary Institute (originally known as Tsuji Culinary Institute & Institute of Patisserie) in Osaka in 1960, the school motto “Docendo discimus” has been continued to be passed down to our faculty as an educational belief, which embodies the idea of “by teaching, we learn”.

Shizuo Tsuji passionately and repeatedly stated the following: “A school is a place where faculty provide all their knowledge and skills to students through classes and where faculty themselves continually learn new things. The reason why students study is because faculty members are constantly studying. By nature, there is no end to learning in the culinary and patisserie fields, and this is why people working in those fields will spend a lifetime learning about them.”

The Institute sets itself apart from other school with its learning environment that fosters creativity, knowledge, and leadership.


  • Courses offered at the Tsuji Culinary Institute:
    3 years Advanced Culinary Arts and Management Course
    2 years Culinary Arts and Management Course
  • 2 years Culinary Arts and Business Course
    1 year Culinary Art Course
  • 1 year Culinary Course


  • Courses offered at the Tsuji confectionery ( know as Tsuji Institute of Patisserie) :
    2 years Confectionery Arts and Management Course
    1 year Confectionery Hygiene Master Course


Note that this school’s courses are all offered in Japanese only.

Main Features

Courses taught by expert instructors
The instructors train Western, Japanese and Chinese cuisines
A learning environment that nurtures personal & professional growth
It is an environment that combines a fundamental understanding of flavour and theory, and emphasizes development of advanced cooking skills as well as expertise in food hygiene, nutrition, and cooking theory.
A satellite campus in Lyon France
This takes students to ever greater levels, with in-depth studies of French cuisine.
Attentive & engaged chef instructors
Instructors aim to harness your inner chef, with each class being led by both a main chef instructor as well as an assistant chef. They institute also has an employment office and student-life office to help their students find the best possible workplaces to jumpstart their careers.

School Location

Nearest station: Abeno station ( Osaka Metro Tanimachi line)
Distance from station: 5 minutes walk.

It takes 5 minutes on foot from Abeno station to the school. Convenience stores are located nearby, so you can always grab your favorite onigiri lunch or snacks, before/after your class.

Our Free Services

We aim to support all students who are interested in coming to Japan to study & live.
For this reason, we provide all of these services at not cost to you.
  • School & Visa
    Application Support

  • Free Japanese
    Language Lessons

  • Accommodation

  • 24-Hour
    Emergency Assistance

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    Tell us more about your dreams and goals in Japan, as well as any other preferences or requests that you may have.

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    DEOW Japan > Schools > Tsuji Culinary Institute & Institute of Patisserie