Tokyo Sushi Academy (TSA)

Tokyo Sushi Academy (TSA)

School Introduction

The Tokyo Sushi Academy has trained over 3,500 graduates in the past 16 years and prides itself in its ability to train any type of student regardless of age and skillset to the result of being able to find employment at a sushi establishment after graduation. The way of doing this is by training repeatedly until the body learns, after having watched, listened and understood each aspect of the technique.


International Sushi Chef Course: Complete Sushi Course (5 weeks)


This course is taught in English.

Main Features

School Location

Tokyo Sushi Academy Shinjuku Main school
Nearest station: Nishi Shinjuku station (Tokyo Metro marunouchi line)
Distance from station: 2 minutes walk.

Tokyo Sushi Academy Tsukiji school
Nearest station: Tsukiji station (Tokyo Metro Hibiya line, Toei oedo line)
Distance from station: 5 minutes walk

Both locations are short walk (2~5 minutes) from the nearest station. Also, there are some convenience stores close to both schools, so you can always grab your lunch or snacks and get ready for the class.

Our Free Services

We aim to support all students who are interested in coming to Japan to study & live.
For this reason, we provide all of these services at not cost to you.
  • School & Visa
    Application Support

  • Free Japanese
    Language Lessons

  • Accommodation

  • 24-Hour
    Emergency Assistance

For free information & consultation about this and other schools in Japan

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    Your objectives

    In terms of your schedule, when do you plan to come to Japan to study? *

    Tell us more about your dreams and goals in Japan, as well as any other preferences or requests that you may have.

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    DEOW Japan > Schools > Tokyo Sushi Academy (TSA)