Tokyo Adachi Japanese Language School

Tokyo Adachi Japanese Language School

School Introduction

Tokyo Adachi Japanese Language School empowers students to learn Japanese and pursue their interests, acquiring essential knowledge and skills through Adachi Education Group's vocational school. This preparation paves the way to employment opportunities in Japan.

Total Number of Students: 400
Class Size: Up to 20
Enrolment Terms: April, July, October
Minimum Course Duration: 3 months

Main Features

After reaching the N3 level, you can choose your path and learn Japanese in different professional fields.
Offers a smooth transition from education to working life in Japan.
Perfect for those interested in Manga, Anime, Tourism, Business, IT, Fashion, and more.
Includes an introduction to higher education in Japan.

School Location

Nearest Stations:

10-minute walk from Iidabashi station
10-minute walk from Ichigaya station
10-minute walk from Ushigomekagurazaka station

Available Courses

  • Student Visa Course
  • Non-Student Visa Course

Student Visa Course

Course Description

    • Tokyo Adachi offers a specialized curriculum for acquiring professional Japanese skills and essential specialist knowledge. Starting from intermediate levels, students learn technical Japanese for specific industries alongside basic Japanese classes.  They can choose among:


    • Japanese & Professional practice course : 

                Anime, Manga, Illustration, Game Japanese course

  •             Tourism, Hospitality Japanese course

  •             Business, IT Japanese course

  •             Fashion, Entertainment Japanese course


    • Comprehensive Japanese course:

    Preparation for Japanese University Admission for International students (EJU), The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT N2 N1)


    • Business Course:

  • Focuses on practical language and communication skills essential for employment in Japan

Enrolment Periods & Duration

Intake Duration Application Start Date Application Deadline
April 2 years September


July 1 year 9 months December


October 6 months / 1 year 6 months March



Tuition Fees

Tuition fees
6 MONTHS ¥465,000
1 YEAR ¥777,000
1 YEAR 6 MONTHS ¥1,094,800
1 YEAR 9 MONTHS ¥1,254,100
2 YEARS ¥1,411,000


Non-Student Visa Course

Course Description

  • Non-visa holders can enroll for short periods at Tokyo Adachi, including those with visas for short-term stays or working holidays. Course availability and organization vary based on enrollment dates.

Enrolment Periods & Duration

It is advisable to consider April, July, or October for optimal course progression and scheduling.

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees
3 months ¥159,000


※Other teaching materials will be charged at the current cost.

Our Free Services

We aim to support all students who are interested in coming to Japan to study & live.
For this reason, we provide all of these services at not cost to you.
  • School & Visa
    Application Support

  • Free Japanese
    Language Lessons

  • Accommodation

  • 24-Hour
    Emergency Assistance

For free information & consultation about this and other schools in Japan

    We will respond to your inquiry within 2 to 3 business days. Please check your spam folder if you do not see our email in your inbox.

    First and middle name(s)*

    Family name(s) *

    Email *

    Confirm email *

    Sex *

    Date of birth *

    Nationality (same as passport) *

    Country of residence *

    Current Japanese level *

    Highest level of education

    Your objectives

    In terms of your schedule, when do you plan to come to Japan to study? *

    Tell us more about your dreams and goals in Japan, as well as any other preferences or requests that you may have.

    How did you hear about us?

    DEOW Japan > Schools > Tokyo Adachi Japanese Language School